13 September 2010


Returned from Europe, resigned from my full time photography job and now starting to play with my camera. Spent a very inspiring 2 weeks at Les Rencontres de la photographie d' Arles, France


  1. Nice photos! Please add more! I'd like to see more of your work!I've opened a blog myself,on Poetry and generaly, on creative writing. There is an arts school here that wants me to start a course on Poetry and writing, and that feels good.
    Comme to M'exico, some time, grteat country fot Photos! I'd love to see u.

  2. Forgot to name the blog: it's Wild tracks.

  3. Sorry, got it wrong, as usual, it's Wild trails, not tracks.I do not know how to invite you to it.

  4. GREAT WORK NATALIE & i love the european shoot its super nat.ten out fo ten job well done & grow out of this passion

  5. it reminds me some good times we share during this wokshop !


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